The story of Burton Phoenix – Changes at Burton Phoenix (This Page)
All Change at Burton Phoenix
In 2019 Burton Phoenix was properly unpacked, and it was decided to extend the layout by turning it into a ‘L’ shaped layout by inserting an ‘optional’ ‘corner section between the main boards and the fiddle yard.
The thinking of the changes made can be seen in the diagram below.
This required an new board section to be added to the original Burton Crumpnold scenery/centre board that matches the track position of the existing board fiddle yard and scenery boards. The framework for this new board is shown below.
And here is the board with the track connected up and ballasted.
..All ready for some scenery now, with corner section ‘tweaked’ not to be a right angle, and the space laid out as a simple ‘river feature.
Here is a montage showing the complete ‘L’ shaped Burton Phoenix
… Some work is needed to ‘green up’ the fiddle yard hill that has faded due to the time in storage.
More photographs of the complete ‘L’ shaped Burton Phoenix layout will appear here soon.