.. It has been a busy month during this month of Lock-down. I have been working on the Wiring for the layout and the control panel ‘Box’.
The downside of my ‘Over Engineered’ approach to railway modelling is the complexity of the wiring it introduces.
Here is a view of the underside of ‘Stowey Green’s board with the ‘temporary power wiring’ removed that allowed me to play up till now.
.. Here are the ‘Pre-Wired’ 25way ‘D’ type plug and socket ready to add to the board. One for Power (Green Blue) and the other for points – both have ‘estimate’ length wires to fit into the boards 4 terminal strips after a bit of trimming.
I have also fitted the 12 way Plug/Socket for the layouts ‘Upper Station’ section connected to it’s own terminal strip ready for fitting. I wanted to be sure I could remove this section for access.
I have also completed the box that will become the control panel for ‘Stowey Green’. It’s based on what I did for Burton Phoenix – but with space for a larger panel and more room for the GaugeMaster controller on top. This one will probably be painted white using left over paint for when we do a bit more touching up the woodwork in the house next few weeks.