For the last few weeks I have had Burton Phoenix up in our Dining Room so I can finish off the ‘Front of the layout’. It has also given me the first opportunity to take an ‘End to End’ photograph.
Whats New
What has been happening on the Burton Crumpnold Layouts.
Stowey Green – 2014
Work has restarted on Stowey Green, the N Gauge layout. As this is my first real go with ‘N’ and flexible track I decided to start from the ‘unseen’ side (the back). ![]() |
.. So three and a half years later where does that put me…
For all sorts of reasons, everything stayed ‘packed’ away – even the N gauge bits…. But is has started to change. I’ve spent the last couple of weeks ‘rediscovering’ where I got to, and even reminding myself what I have.
The priority will be the N Gauge ‘Stowey Green’ layout going initially as far and the lower level. Then I will then tackle the Burton Phoenix end to end ‘OO’ layout. As proof of this I have added a couple of photographs on the Work In Progress page showing the restarted work.
I have also created basic pages to cover the progress and the stock of the ‘Stowey Green’ layout.
Another change of plan – decided to switch my energies to the Burton Phoenix end to end ‘OO’ layout, this needs much less work to get it going and will help me to ‘relearn’ my soldering and wiring skills. Plus it means I will have a working layout sooner.
Today I managed to run a loco on Burton Phoenix whilst I was checking out the layout wiring and the new control box.I have added the most recent work and added a few photographs on the Work In Progress page.
Burton Phoenix is Complete!! (More or Less)..
.. Yes there are still jobs to do in tweaking and improving the scenery… but that is the normal routine of running/maintaining a layout.
The ‘N’ Gauge Layout Get a Name..
I have a basic design in place for the ‘N’ Gauge layout – Stowey Green.
.. As an LMS man married to a GWR Wife, I was drawn to the area of the Somerset and Dorset Joint Railway (SDJR)
(Somerset and Dorset Joint Railway – Wiki Page) .. This railway was run by the GWR and LMS so gives a great opportunity/excuse of seeing GWR and LMS traffic together.
I chose as the village of Neither Stowey, an attractive Somerset Village near Bridgewater as a ‘location’, on a potential route that could have beeen used to connect Bridgewater to Minehead.
So I gave the new station the name ‘Stowey Green’, and I also decided to include a small ‘halt’ station – using the simple if attractive GWR ‘Pagoda’ Halt building, which will be ‘Upper Stowey’.
This will be a 4ft 6ins x 2 ft 6ins two layer layout. To keep the gradients low I have built to board so that the front is 30mm higher than the back to keep all the gradients gentle.
Unlike the ‘OO’ layouts(s) which have a wide variety of stock. I am planning the ‘N’ gauge layout to be purely GWR steam eta.
An ‘N’ Gauge Layout?
Whilst everything is on hold (And Inaccessible) during the building work I have been having a bit of a clear out on Ebay of ‘Surplus Stock’. Mostly LNER and BR MK2 Coaches.
I’m planning to use the funds to build a small ‘N’ gauge GWR layout to join the Burton Crumpnold Family. I had been thinking of having a go at an N gauge layout for a while. It all started for real when out local Oxfam shop had some GWR wagons. More on this later.
A Pheonix Rises from The Ashes – 2009
The portable ‘OO’ layout that is being built using the recycled parts of Burton Crumpnold now has a name…
It will be called ‘Burton Phoenix‘ – as it has come out of the ashes of the original Burton Crumpnold Layout.!!!
The End of the Original Burton Crumpnold – 2008
Sad News – due to the building of as new extension at our house the ‘Original’ Burton Crumpnold has been ‘Decommissioned’.
The room where it has been living currently has no roof…. I have also become very dissatisfied with the quality of the track running. The layout ‘Looks’ OK but trains do like derailing at the rear (and difficult to access) area’s of the track. The longer term plan (2009 and beyond) is to build a larger layout using larger radii more gentle (Peco Streamline?) points.
All is not lost though with the original Burton layout. I am currently in the process of planning a portable layout using what was the Upper station area and a new fiddle yard.
Burton Crumpnold Complete – 2007
Finished updating the original Website
Added the ‘Scenery’ page of the website. This was also an opportunity to photograph and document the work I have been doing these past few weeks.
Started work on upper start on area and scenery areas.
Finished Basic upper station detailing and extra detailing (Fences etc) to main station.
Improved existing scenery areas and add scenery items to hide baseboard joins etc.
Added some ‘work in progress’ pictures to the website.
Updated the Loco and Passenger stock pages to include the new additions (and a couple I missed). See ‘Work in Progress’ for details of my first foray into DCC…
Burton Crumpnold Scenery and Electrics – 2005
Started on Scenery work.
…Long Overdue Website Update.
Added more pictures of the layout as it is so far.
Added a Work In Progress page to encourage me to do more regular updates. A kind of ‘on my workbench’ page…
I’ve been clearing out the ‘chaff’, mostly ready to make room for up and coming models – wallet permitting of course.
Plus I’ve been busy on Ebay getting a few items of modern ‘Parcels’ type rolling stock – Full brakes, Siphons etc.
Also I’ve been making the removable ‘Hill’ that covers the hidden sidings and road access to the main station.
Late July-August 2005
.. Lots of Website Updates – and Many New Photographs added.
Finally wired up the upper station area. Also updated the stock lists.
Work Begins On The Layout – 2004
First ‘Super Detailed’ – ‘New’ Loco bought LMS Fowler 2-6-4T
Flying Scotsman Train set (Birthday Present)
Main Baseboard panel construction started
Main Panels Complete – Started Planning Final Layout
Western Ranger Loco – Mothers Day Present For Wife…..
Visited ‘Railfest’ at York Railway Museum for ‘Inspiration’
Started work on upper level board and incline.
Baseboard ‘basic’ construction complete. Starting track laying.
The ‘Original’ Burton Crumpnold Website Launched
Layout Wiring Plan Drawn Up
Started layout wiring
Added a ‘Contact Us’ Page, Stock List Updated
Completed Main Loop lower level layout wiring – started on Control Panel
Completed lower level ballasting